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Christina Slade

Is a graduate of the Ithaca College Physical Therapy Program and has been employed at LaMarco Physical Therapy since 1995. Prior to joining LaMarco Physical Therapy, she worked in acute care, outpatient, sub-acute rehab, cardiac rehab and hospice care/homecare at St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany, NY. Christina is a manual therapist with special expertise in myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and muscle energy techniques for both the orthopedic and non-orthopedic patient.

She has an interest in energy work having achieved level three in the Healing Touch Sequence and has been investigating the philosophies and techniques of the Postural Restoration Institute. Christina is extremely attentive to her patient’s therapeutic needs and enjoys helping them reach their goals. Christina is married with one child and when not working can often be found on the sidelines of a soccer field.

Tips from the Professionals...

  • For the Young at Heart

    People are living longer than ever before. Advances in medicine, nutritional awareness, and improved exercise habits have contributed to the rapid growth of the 65+ age group. By the year 2030, there will be more people over age 65 than under age 18!*

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  • Women

    Women are unique in many ways. At the most fundamental level, women’s bodies are structured to give birth and supply early nutrition to the next generation. But whether or not a woman decides to have children, her reproductive system affects her body throughout her entire life.

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  • Vertigo

    Abstract—The authors compared the efficacy of a self-applied modified Semont maneuver (MSM) with self-treatment with a modified Epley procedure (MEP) in 70 patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The response rate after 1 week, defined as absence of positional vertigo and torsional/upbeating nystagmus on positional testing, was 95% in the MEP group (n = 37) vs 58% in the MSM group (n = 33; p = 0.001). Treatment failure was related to incorrect performance of the maneuver in the MSM group, whereas treatment-related side effects did not differ significantly between the groups. NEUROLOGY 2004;63:150–152

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  • Taking Care of Your Shoulder

    The shoulder joint is capable of a wider and more varied range of motion than any other joint in the human body. This extraordinary flexibility has allowed human beings to do everything from pitch a baseball to paint the Sistine Chapel.

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  • Scoliosis

    The American Physical Therapy Association is a national, professional organization representing nearly 70,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students throughout the United Stated.

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