Women are unique in many ways. At the most fundamental level, women’s bodies are structured to give birth and supply early nutrition to the next generation. But whether or not a woman decides to have children, her reproductive system affects her body throughout her entire life.
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Abstract—The authors compared the efficacy of a self-applied modified Semont maneuver (MSM) with self-treatment
with a modified Epley procedure (MEP) in 70 patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The
response rate after 1 week, defined as absence of positional vertigo and torsional/upbeating nystagmus on positional
testing, was 95% in the MEP group (n = 37) vs 58% in the MSM group (n = 33; p = 0.001). Treatment failure was related
to incorrect performance of the maneuver in the MSM group, whereas treatment-related side effects did not differ
significantly between the groups.
NEUROLOGY 2004;63:150–152
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Taking Care of Your Shoulder
The shoulder joint is capable of a wider and more varied range of motion than any other joint in the human body. This extraordinary flexibility has allowed human beings to do everything from pitch a baseball to paint the Sistine Chapel.
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The American Physical Therapy Association is a national, professional organization representing nearly 70,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students throughout the United Stated.
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The American Physical Therapy Association would like to share a secret with you. It can help you do more with less effort… breathe easier… feel great.
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Osteoporosis literally means “porous bones” — bones that were once strong have become fragile.
This insidious disease is sometimes called “the silent thief” because there are no symptoms. Yet it works little
by little over a period of decades to rob your bones of calcium—a mineral that keeps them strong. Older women are the main victims of osteoporosis, as they suffer nearly 1.5 million fractures to the hips, forearms, and vertebrae each year. Because bones become thin and brittle, recovering from these fractures can be a long and complex process, with possible
life-threatening complications.
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Neck Pain
Your head and neck region is vulnerable to many different stresses. Bad posture can cause misalignment of your neck, head, and spine. Car accidents can cause whiplash. Age and wear and tear can cause arthritis. Even activities such as gum chewing and reading in bed can cause pain. How do we avoid these potential problems? And if we can’t avoid them, how can we
recover as quickly as possible?
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Mother's Day
Lifting and carrying a child, picking up toys off of the floor, and pushing a stroller are normal daily tasks for parents and grandparents. The American Physical Therapy Association offers this Mother’s Day card to help caregivers accomplish these daily feats without aches and pains.
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Taking Care of Your Knees
When the mother of the hero Achilles dipped him in the river Styx, she held him by the heel, leaving that spot unprotected. For most of us mortals, however, that most vulnerable spot is two joints higher.
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Taking Care of Your Hip
Compared to such complex areas of the body as the back and the knee, the hip region is a model of straightforward sturdiness. It takes great force to seriously damage a healthy hip, and the large, strong muscles of the thighs and buttocks (which help support and move the hips and knees) are usually able to withstand more than their share of abuse. Sports-related injuries and problems do occur, however, particularly in women runners, and there are problems specific to young men and pregnant women. Elderly people are subject to the most serious problems: life-threatening hip fractures that often are due to osteoporosis, the disease that causes brittle bones.
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Taking Care of Your Hand, Wrist, and Elbow
A vast range of human activities - from playing the piano, to laying bricks, to opening a can of soda - would be impossible without the healthy functioning of the elbow, wrist, and hand. And yet this area is one of the most intricate - and one of the most vulnerable to injury - in the human body.
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Taking Care of Your Foot and Ankle
“My feet are killing me!” is one of the most enduring phrases in the English language. Like most clichés, this one is grounded in day-to-day experience: the foot and ankle region is subject to constant stresses and hazards, from the effects of ill-fitting shoes to traumatic sports injuries. The results can be painful or worse. While our feet may not literally be “killing” us, foot and ankle problems can have a significant impact on our general health and well-being.
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We would all like to be physically fit, but Whow many of us know what “fit” really means? Does playing softball twice a week make us fit? Or swimming at the neighborhood pool? Or walking to and from work? What amount of activity is enough to keep us fit? Do we all need to follow the same fitness program or are we all different?
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Couch Potato
Who says couch potatoes can’t get fit? Physical therapists say that you can cheer your team to victory and exercise your muscles. And without ever having to take your eyes off the TV. What a deal!
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Carpal Tunnel
You’ve probably already heard about carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and its effect on different occupations, like computer programmers and assembly line workers. Maybe you even know someone who has CTS or you yourself are suffering from it. But what exactly is CTS, and how do you keep from getting it?
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Balance Fall
Anyone who has ever slipped on a patch of ice knows how unnerving it can be to lose your balance—for a moment your
world is literally turned upside down. Yet balance —the ability to control and maintain your body’s position as it moves through space—is such an integral, ever-present part of daily life that most people rarely give it conscious thought. There are conditions, however, that may impair your sense of balance and contribute to falls...
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Taking Care of Your Back
By standing on their 'hind' legs, human beings freed their hands for work and gained the dexterity to create civilizations. Since ancient days, though, people have paid the price of walking erect...with their backs.
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Almost all of us know someone who has been affected by arthritis or a related condition. Ironically, arthritis is so commonplace that we sometimes underestimate its seriousness as a threat to the public health. According to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people 15 years of age and older.
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The America Physical Therapy Association (APTA) recommends choosing exercises that work all of the muscles of the torso: rectus abdominis (crunches and reverse crunches), obliques (half twists/ rotations), transverse abdominis (plank and V-situp) and back (plank). Follow these basics to get the most out of your abdominal workout:
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Snow Shovelers
ALEXANDRIA, VA — With weather experts predicting a repeat of last winter’s colder-than-normal temperatures and heavy snowfalls in many parts of the U.S., the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is concerned about reducing the number of injuries that may occur from shoveling snow.
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